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Tag Archives: Bell peppers

How to eat to get the benefits of collagen?

The body synthesizes collagen from eating foods that contain protein, zinc and copper. Such as chicken, beef, and fish with skin on. Organ meats, eggs, dairy products, soybeans, sesame, less refined grains, and fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. Such as bell peppers, tomatoes, oranges, and berries. that stimulates the creation.

10 foods that help nourish your lungs to strong

10 foods that help nourish your lungs to be strong. The Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health recommends 10 easily available food sources, including ginger, bell peppers, apples, pumpkin, turmeric, tomatoes, various cereals, olive oil, oysters, and berries. Eating regularly helps nourish the lungs. Stop